Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines “extraordinary” as going beyond what is usual, regular or customary. Exceptional to a very marked extent.
What is “usual, regular or customary” in our lives is unique to each of us. What is “exceptional to a very marked extent” is a matter of opinion. To put it simply, living an Extraordinary Life happens when a person clarifies something meaningful to them beyond what is usual, regular or customary and then organizes their life around becoming or doing it. It is when individuals choose to live outside their comfort zone and dare to accomplish something beyond the ordinary. In doing so, they live an exceptional life to a marked extent.
We may differ in our definition of what living an extraordinary life means, and that is okay. What’s most important is defining where you are now, what an Extraordinary Life means to you and then creating a plan of action to pursue it with relentless effort and determination, never giving up on your dreams.